Ms. Kayleen Ulbani Tavoa is currently the Principal Legal and Compliance Officer at the Telecommunications, Radiocommunications and Broadcasting Regulator (TRBR). She has a wealth of experience in the Public Sector and the Legal System within Vanuatu.
Ms. Tavoa was the Public Prosecutor in Vanuatu from 2005 to 2014 and has served the people of Vanuatu through this legal institution for 10 years. She was the second female Public Prosecutor but the first, Ni Vanuatu to have served a consecutive term in Office since independence of the Republic of Vanuatu and was serving the Public Prosecutors office since 1995 so she has tremendous experience in Criminal Law and criminal procedure, and Civil Litigation and providing Legal advice. She established a private law practice after 2014 until 2018 when she was employed by the Telecommunications, Radiocommunications, and Broadcasting Regulator (TRBR).
Ms. Tavoa used to be actively involved in sports. She believes in community development and upholds her island traditional values and cultural rituals. She believes in a safe and stable community and believes in the rule of law to govern communities to ensure that people can always seek redress to the courts when their rights have been breached.
Short Term Qualification Training
Extensive Qualification Studies
First female Public Prosecutor to serve consecutive term in Vanuatu and managing the office of the Public Prosecutor, advise the government at all levels in relation to criminal offences including