Noah Patrick Kouback has been appointed recently as the Team Leader Trade at the Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat in Suva, Fiji. The Forum Secretariat is the only Regional Economic Cooperation that has the mandate on Trade in the Pacific.
Noah Patrick Kouback read for Master Degree on International Relations, Trade, and Political Science at the University of Bordeaux IV Montesquieu France and has started his diplomatic career back in 2006.
Noah Patrick has been working closely with the World Trade Organization when the accession package of Vanuatu has been adopted by the General Council on 26th October 2011 until its accession in August 2012.
Noah Patrick KOUBACK has benefitted to almost all the WTO training and capacity building programmes. Noah Patrick is also following very closely negotiations in the WTO and the outcome of the Ministerial Conferences.
Noah Patrick has been representing Vanuatu in 2014 on the legal scrub of the Trade Facilitation Agreement as well as the establishment of the Trade Facilitation Facility
Noah Patrick has been instrumental for the negotiation towards the Phase II of the Enhanced Integrated Framework (EIF)
Noah Patrick is also working closely with the United Nations Agencies such as the UNCTAD in Geneva in addressing Vanuatu LDC Graduation comes 2020.
Noah Patrick has been instrumental to the drafting of the TORs to setting up the National Coordinating Committee on the Smooth Transition for Vanuatu LDC graduation.
Noah Patrick is well versed with the ACP/EU Cotonou Partnership Agreement and the insights of the European Development Funds (EDF).
Noah Patrick is also part of the Forum Secretariat Post Cotonou Negotiations Team in Suva.
Noah Patrick is well versed with the ACP, Commonwealth, UNCTAD, ITC, UN, WTO, WHO, ILO, IOM, UNESCO, FAO, IFAD and WFP activities in Vanuatu when it comes to technical assistance and financial support towards the economic development of Vanuatu and the Pacific Region.
Noah Patrick was a panellist of a side event held on the margin of the COP21 in Paris in 2015 addressing Sustainable tourism in Small Islands Developing States (SIDS) and implementation of the SAMOA Pathway.
Noah Patrick is working with the UN Agencies and a strong advocate for the recognition of the Small Islands Developing States within the UN system like LDC Category.
Noah Patrick has a very strong network in Geneva, Brussels, Paris, Vienna, London, Rome and to some extend New York.
Programme Adviser (Trade) Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat, Suva, Fiji
Organized the Forum Trade Ministers Meeting in February 2020
Instrumental on the ACP 5th Assistant Secretary General in charge of Climate Action, Ocean and Environment
Drafted and pushed the adoption of the ACP Resolution on West Papua at the ACP Summit in Nairobi, Kenya
Represented Vanuatu at the ICJ on the Legal Opinion on Chagos Archipelago
Provided advice to the Delegation of Vanuatu for the Vanuatu Universal Periodic Review at the Human Rights Council in Geneva
Opening the Permanent Mission of Vanuatu in Geneva and Secure Funding Resources from Swiss Government for the Mission
Charge d’Affaires of the Embassy of Vanuatu in Brussels and Charge d’Affaires, Permanent Mission of Vanuatu in Geneva
Head of Delegation to the IFAD General Conference in February
Head of Delegation to the 7th Heads of Mission meeting in Port Vila in May
Co-organiser of the LDC Graduation Regional Workshop in Port Vila in June
Head of Delegation at the Organization for Prohibition of Chemical Weapons Conference
Supervisor and Advisor at the International Court of Justice Oral Proceedings on Chagos Archipelago
Organiser of the Lunch briefing on human rights situation in West Papua
Advisor and Facilitator of bilateral meetings at the 73rd session of the United Nations General Assembly
Championing the West Papua issue at the Human Rights Council, UNGA, ACP, AU, CARICOM
Coordinate the 1st Vanuatu WTO Trade Policy Review
Representing Vanuatu as Head of Delegation during the 40th FAO Conference Session held in Rome from 03-08 July 2017.
Third Vice Chairperson of the 40th FAO Conference Session, and opportunity to Chair the First Plenary Session in Rome.
Participate on behalf of the Vanuatu Government in the High-Level Panel on the Launch of the FAO, UN-OHRLLS and UNDESA Global Action Programme on Food Security and Nutrition in Small Islands Developing States (GAP) on 04th July 2016 as part of the implementation of the SAMOA Pathway
Counsel to the Delegation of Vanuatu during the 4th Enhanced Political Dialogue between Vanuatu/EU in January
Counsel to the Ambassador on the issue of West Papua to be submitted and discussed in the ACP Organs in March
Counsel to the Vanuatu delegation during the 105th Session of the ACP Council held in Brussels in 02-06 May in addressing the issue of West Papua
Counsel to the Vanuatu delegation to the CARICOM Heads of Government Meeting held in Grenada from 04-06 July
Co-organiser of the 14th Regional Joint Parliamentary Assembly meeting in Port Vila from 19-21 July.
Working closely with the Pacific Ambassadors in Brussels to push the Asia Pacific Group (ASPAC) in UNESCO to give at least 2 Seats at the UNESCO Executive Board in the coming General Conference in November.
Advisor to Hon. Mahe to raise the issue of West Papua at the recent ACP/EU JPA meeting in St John’s Malta in June.
Working on projects such as Coconut Development in the Pacific Region and Vanuatu; Kava High Level Event to develop the Codex Standard on Kava; Fisheries Sector; Trade related Matters;
Advisor to the Vanuatu Delegation in Dhakla, Morocco during the Crans Montana Forum in March 2016;
Resource person to the Hon. MP Rick T. Mahe as the chair of the Committee on Social Affairs in the ACP Parliamentary Assembly
Attended the Mid Term Review on the Istanbul Programme of Action for LDCs; Advisor to the Vanuatu Delegation in Antalya, Turkey during the MTR with the view to develop Vanuatu Smooth Transition Policy before graduation in 2020.
Advisor for the ACP and ACP/EU Joint Council of Ministers meeting held in Dakar, Senegal in April 2016;
Resource person for the Vanuatu Delegation during the ACP 8th Summit of Leaders in Port Moresby, PNG from 30th May to 01st June 2016.
Co-writer of the policy paper for the Opening of the Vanuatu Permanent Mission in Geneva, which Council of Ministers in its Decision No. 96 of 2016 approved the opening of the Vanuatu Permanent Mission to Geneva
Prepared the Draft TOR for the implementation of the Vanuatu Coconut Development sector
Resource person for the Renewable Energy Initiative for all ACP countries
Co-sponsor of the setting up of the ACP Small Islands Developing States Forum at the ACP Secretariat
Instrumental for the extension of the Hub and Spokes Programme at the ACP Level to support Trade opportunities in ACP countries
Instrumental for the adoption of the ACP New Approach on Commodities Value Chain including Kava, Cashew, Tobacco.
Advisor to H.E Ambassador Joy as the Chairman of the Committee of Ambassadors;
Instrumental on the Vanuatu/EU Visa Waiver Agreement signed on 28th May 2015;
Resource person on the Second Forum of Morocco Pacific Islands Countries held in Rabat in December;
Negotiator and instrumental to the appointment of Mr. Georges Maniuri as the Assistant Secretary General in Charge of Administration, Finance and Human Resources of the ACP Secretariat in Brussels;
Organiser of the WTO Pacific MC10 Preparatory Meeting in Port Vila, Vanuatu sponsored by the ACP Secretariat
Participate at the COP21 conference in Paris which came up with the Paris Agreement
Attended the UNESCO General Conference as the Head of Delegation of the Vanuatu
10 Months attachment with the World Trade Organization under the Mission Internship Programme based with the Pacific Islands Forum Geneva Office;
Resource Person for the Vanuatu Prime Minister Hon. Moana and Delegation who attended the Human Rights Council in March 2014
Supported the Vanuatu Delegation during the ACP Council of Ministers in December 2014 and witness of the signing of the Vanuatu/EU National Indicative Programme.
Successfully passed all online WTO courses
Assist the Senior Officials attending WTO courses in Geneva
Organiser with the support of the ACP MTS Programme Pacific WTO MC9 Preparatory Meeting held in Port Vila
Resource Person on the Technical Centre for Agriculture (CTA) Activity in Port Vila Vanuatu
Attended the WTO Geneva Based Training Course of 3 months
Lobby for Vanuatu’s seat in the UNESCO Executive Board in Paris with the Delegation of Education Minister
Attended an LDC WTO MC9 Preparatory Meeting in Dhaka, Bangladesh
Advisor to the Vanuatu Prime Minister’s Hon. Moana visit in Paris in October 2013
Attended the Geneva Week Session organised twice a year by the WTO Secretariat for non-resident WTO Members
Instrumental on the Regional Development of the Coconut Sector in the Pacific for the European Commission. Formulation of project and feasibility studies on integrated coconut processing for high value products in Fiji, Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, Samoa and Vanuatu. Investment proposals for 40 million Euros;
Resource Person for the Kava Conference held in March 2012 in Port Vila Vanuatu
Coordinator and Co-organizer for the ACP and ACP/EU Joint Council of Ministers held in June in Port Vila
Attended a 2 weeks WTO course for LDCs
Resource person to the Prime Minister Hon. Sato Kilman visit in London in August
Advisor to the then Minister of Foreign Affairs Alfred Carlot who attended the ACP meetings in Brussels
Implementation of the Coconut project with the kick off the feasibility study in the Pacific Region
Resource Person to the Vanuatu Delegation during the 4th UN LDC Conference held in Istanbul Turkey in May 2011
Counsel to the Vanuatu Delegation headed by the then Hon. Alfred Carlot to the ACP Council of Ministers and the bilateral talks in Paris at the Quai d’Orsay
Drafting of the Terms of References of the Coconut Project submitted 24 December 2010 to the ACP Secretariat for funding under the Technical Cooperation Facility (TCF) that will be approved in 2011.
Participate on WTO Activities in Geneva
Researcher at the Ministry of Lands of Vanuatu
Attached at the Embassy of Vanuatu in Brussels, Beligum as part of the MA Programme
Attached at the Vanuatu General Consulate in Noumea, New Caledonia
Attached at the Ridgway Blake Lawyers in Port Vila, Vanuatu, and working closely with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to prepare my Diplomatic Career.