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Fred Samuel

Director and Owner of Pacific Group Limited

Fred Samuel
Fred Samuel
Director and Owner of Pacific Group Limited

Present Happenings

Mr. Fred Samuel is currently the Director and Owner of Pacific Group Limited, which is an experienced provider of Professional consulting services in Telecommunications and ICT in Vanuatu, and at the same time a professional Event Coordination Expert.  Mr. Samuel has been working in collaboration with a lot of Government departments and managing various important projects and events in the country.

He is implementing a number of the ICT projects including drafting of the Government’s ICT related strategic plan. 
Additionally, his last recent project was the national coordinator of the biggest event ever happened in Port Vila, which is the celebrations of the 40th independence Anniversary, celebrations in Vanuatu that ran over 9 executive days from the 23rd July to the 31st July 2020.

Professional History

Mr. Samuel has over 15 years of senior Managerial and executive role in the telecom sector and Government of Vanuatu. He is Vanuatu’s former Chief Information Officer (CIO) of the Office of the Government Chief Information Officer (OGCIO) from 2012 to 2016.
This role enabled him to advise the Ministers, Director Generals, Directors and the Government on strategic Information, Communications Technology (ICT) issues including Government Broadband network issues.
He has also worked for the Telecom Vanuatu Limited from 1998 to 2009 as a Senior Sales Executive, Manager Commercial Services before becoming the Head of Business to Business. 
In 2010, he was the Project Manager for the e-Government Network infrastructure and services roll out.
For detail professional career history, contact his email address and enquire.

  • Samuel holds a Master’s Degree with Distinction in Operational Communication from UK (Coventry University) 2003 and he is a member of the UK Alumni in Vanuatu

  • In addition, he holds a Diploma in Engineering in Electronics & Electrical Engineering from Australia (South Bank Institute of Technology) in 1997


Director & Senior ICT & Telecoms Consultant

  • As the Director and Senior ICT and Telecoms Consultant he was involved in the review of the Vanuatu Submarine cable & Telecom Sector feasibility study, World Bank, KWM, 2018

  • He was involved in the Comprehensive Review of the Digital Television Project, VanuaMadia & VBTC, 2017

  • He was the National Consultant for the eTrade Readiness Assessment for Vanuatu, UNCTAD, Ministry of Trade, 2018

  • In addition, he was a Consultant for Kacific Satellite Broadband, 2018

  • He became Advisor to the Office of the Government Chief Information Office in 2016 which was the role he previously held.

  • He was the Strategic Events Coordinator for the Global Symposium for Telecom Regulators, held in 2019 in Vanuatu collaborating with the OGCIO and the TRR.

  • His extensive experience in events management saw him involved in a recent event which he was the National Events Coordinator for the Vanuatu’s 40th independence Anniversary celebrations from 2019 – 2020

  • He was involved in a Comprehensive Review of Government Telecommunications and ICT expenses Review Project in 2018.

  • As the Chief Information Officer, he was providing advisory roles to the Prime Minister, Ministers, Director Generals, Directors and the Government on strategic Information, Communications Technology (ICT) issues including Government Broadband network issues.

  • He was also overseeing the Operations of the Government Broadband Network and Data Centers to ensure they are consistent with Government’s strategic direction and meet the operational needs of all Government agencies.

  • Project Manager to the e-Government Network infrastructure implementation (Managing 3 separate foreign sub-contractors including main supplying contractor – Huawei Technologies Pty Ltd). Others include IPConnect (Sydney-based & Challenge Networks (Melbourne-Based).

  • In addition, a major project was overseeing the full implementation of the e-Government network infrastructure implementation in conjunction with Huawei Technology.

  • He was also responsible for overseeing the full implementation of the integration and migration of Government information systems into the new MPLS IP broadband Network including the implementation of a new Standards Operation Environment (SOE) for both Desktop and servers.

  • Involved in the Establishment of the initial Operations and Management of the e-Government network and Implementation of the Interconnection Services of the e-Government network.

  • Oversee the establishment and implementation of the Office of the Government Chief Information Officer under Prime Minister’s Office.

  • As a key role in one of Vanuatu’s Telecommunications Company, the Telecom Vanuatu Limited, he was involved in preparing the Company’s Revenue Budget for over 5 years and was managing a team of around 20 Sales consultants in various Telecom shops around Vanuatu to achieve Key Revenue targets.

  • Manage the Key Sponsorship and Community projects on behalf of TVL with over 30 million worth of Football project with VFF (2004 – 2009), Christmas in the Park & Lucky Dupe Tribute Concert (2009), National Games (2009), Fest Napuan Music Festival (2004 – 2007), Telecom Round Island Relay (2004 – 2007), Vanuatu Ocean Swim (2004 – 2007), Sunshiners Music Festival (2007).

  • Key Player in the major restructure and right-sizing project of the company during 2009

  • Key Player in reviewing and finalizing Company’s Financial Figures at the beginning of each Financial Year (2004 – 2009)

  • Key player in the designing the initial planning of first GSM Mobile network around Vanuatu (2004 – 2009)

  • Lead the first commercial roll-out of Broadband Internet network in Vanuatu (2006)

  • Key player in the implementation of Key Customer Billing system of the largest telecom provider in Vanuatu (2002)

  • Develop, implement and launch Key Tariff modifications on various telecommunication Products and Services (2004 – 2009)

  • Lead small Senior executive management team on various customer service improvement projects (2004 – 2009)